
Review: A Night in with Audrey Hepburn by Lucy Holliday

Title: A Night in with Audrey Hepburn
Author: Lucy Holliday
Publisher: Harper
Pages: 400
Release Date: 21st May 2015
Edition: Paperback, Purchased
Goodreads | Book Depository

Synopsis from Harper:
Unlucky in love, failed actress Libby Lomax has retreated into the world of classic movies, where the immortal lives of the screen goddesses offer so much more in the way of romance than her own life.
After a terrible day on the set of a cult TV sci-fi series where she has proved herself to be the antithesis of feminine poise and embarrassed herself in front of heartthrob actor Dillon O’Hara, she plonks herself down in front of her trillionth viewing of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Relaxing on her battered old couch, salvaged from the props department by her best friend Olly, Libby is gob smacked to find actual Screen Icon, Audrey Hepburn, sitting beside her. Dressed in her little black dress, wearing her trademark sunglasses, Audrey proffers advice to the hapless Libby between ladylike puffs on her vintage cigarette holder.
And so, Audrey becomes Libby’s confidante and friend but has Libby got what it takes to turn her life from a Turkey to a Blockbuster? With a little bit of Audrey Hepburn magic, she might just pull it off.

A Night in with Audrey Hepburn is average. It's very predictable but still a great guilty pleasure read.

I think one of the biggest reasons why readers pick up this book is because of Audrey Hepburn. It's a fun twist to have her as a hallucination/ghost in our main character Libby's apartment. It was what has attracted me. Also, the cover is really pretty in its minimalist style.

This book reminds me of Sophie Kinsella's Twenties Girls, except the fact that Audrey only appears in the apartment and that Libby is not related to her. Audrey does not appear throughout the novel though. Don't get your hopes up. But in the scenes where she is present, they are funny, witty and touching that you will want to re-watch every film that has Audrey Hepburn in it. I also love how she always appear wearing different costumes, and her obsession over the coffee machine.

But this book is way too predictable. Right from the start, you know which ship is endgame. Even though I haven't read the second one and the third one isn't out yet, I can tell you you will know which one Libby will end up with eventually. Trust me. Now that we're talking about the romance in the story, let's start with how unrealistic her relationships with two certain characters are. *spoilers* I know one's hairstyle is critical, but I don't believe a haircut can make a person glows with sudden beauty that even a modelizer falls for her. This is the part that makes me feel off. I keep thinking Dillion is tricking Libby, actually playing alongside Rhea to embarrass her. I just cannot believe a famous TV star would fall for a nobody he meets on set. Also, their lunch date would have been made public if Dillion was that famous. Paparazzi would have been following him around. The relationship wouldn't have been a secret. Another thing is, she is a fool to not realise Olly loves her. Even us readers can smell it from the beginning of the novel. Usually the girl will eventually end up with the guy who has loved her since the day they met at the end of the novel. But no, she chooses Dillion. Please don't tell me you have to write three books to make a character end up with the one. *end of spoilers*

Despite the ridiculous romantic relationships that are in this book, I do like how the author portraits Libby's family. Her family is shit. When I say shit, I mean it. Her mother does not care about her. Her sister gets the centre attention of everyone and is self-centred (even though we are shown flickers of her good side through Libby's memory, but it cannot justify her behaviours around Libby). Worst of all, her father is just a douchebag. I'm not even exaggerating. That's how miserable her life is, and as heartless as it seems, I must say it is the most realistic part ever written in the entire novel. The meeting with her father is the gem in the 400 pages, because as much as it was sad, it was also real. People are people. They might never change. It's just their nature. I'm glad the author points out the truth about us human. Also, the event adds to the importance of Audrey's sudden appearance in Libby's apartment.

As for Libby's relationship with herself, I am glad she makes her own choice on what she is going to do for a living. A start of something new. She is a likeable character and I'm sure things will turn out great for her in the second and third instalment.

This novel has me in a dilemma. Since the story is extremely predictable, I'm not sure if I want to read the next one. But, the next book has Marilyn Monroe in it and the third one features Grace Kelly. Grace Kelly is my favorite actress of all time and I cannot resist the pretty covers. I cannot say I will definitely read the sequel, but I will think about it.

If you're new to chick-lit, I'm sure you will love this one because the author has done a good job following the rom-com formula. If you love reading chick-lit, this one will disappoint you as (I'm saying this again) it's highly predictable.


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