
Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Ships (TV Edition)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week we get a TV freebie. Anything related to TV, we can make a list out of it and I'm like, why not make one about my favourite ships on TV?

1. Jim & Pam, The Office

Jim + Pam = True Love. When they finally get together, I almost cried. When they finally get married, I bawled my eyes out.

"The boat was actually Plan C, the Church was Plan B, and Plan A was marrying her a long time ago... pretty much the day I met her."

2. Klaroline, The Vampire Diaries

I also kind of ship Steroline, but the sexual tension between Caroline and Klaus is just too much. Ahhhhh I still ship them.

3. Jydia, Teen Wolf

Okay, so a lot of people have probably forgotten about Jackson on Teen Wolf, but to me, the finale of season 2 was too epic that I think Jydia is undoubtedly endgame (if Colton Haynes didn't leave the show). Sigh.

4. Scallison, Teen Wolf

I love Allison. She and Lydia are my two favourite characters on Teen Wolf. Season 3 has ruined me. *still not over season 3b* This quote from season 2 got me shipping Scallion. By the way, can someone please tell me why Scott's love interests keep leaving the show?
Allison: There's no such thing as fate.
Scott: There's no such thing as werewolves.

5. Swan Thief, Once Upon a Time

I know a lot of OUAT fans ship Captain Swan. Hey, I'm tempted to too. But if we imagine Emma and Neal as fae, I would say Neal was Emma's mate. *sobs*

6. Ness, New Girl

I stopped watching New Girl halfway through season 3. I don't know if they are still together, but that kiss. THAT KISS. I think it was the end of every Ness shippers out there.

7. Finchel, Glee

I don't know how to say this, because not only did I ship Finchel on Glee, I also shipped them in real life. I can't believe Lea has to go through such a painful heartbreak. Cory will always be missed.

8. Peraltiago, Brooklyn Nine-nine

These two have this kind of funny chemistry between them. I ship it! Again, I have stopped watching B99 so I have no idea if they are still together or not.

9. Paire, Heroes

Back then I think the writers of Heroes were like: Hey guys we weren't trying to put them together! Can you guys not make it look like that? You know we can't make them lovers because they are related. Sorry guys, there's nothing we can do about it. Drop. This. Ship.
No, I'll never not ship them. Guess you have to blame it on their chemistry.

10. Bones & Booth, Bones

I'm so glad Bones finally come to her senses. They are perfect for each other, and it has taken many seasons for this to happen but anyway, YES.

Do you also ship anyone that is on this list? Tell me about your OTPs! :D


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